Revisions Approved by President’s Cabinet 9/22/20; 1/7/21 AE; 2/25/21 AE; 7/21/21
AE; 8/23/22; 7/29/24 AE
Revisions Approved by President’s Cabinet 7/24/18; contact update 9/28/18
- 去一个安全的地方
- Try to preserve evidence (Sexual assault victims: do 不 bathe, shower, brush teeth, douche, or use toilet; place clothing in paper bag. 暴力受害者:拍照 瘀伤或其他伤害. 跟踪受害者:保存通信证据,如 比如短信、电子邮件、语音邮件、视频、写作等等。
- 获得必要的医疗
- Report the incident so that evidence may be collected in a timely manner; * college 官方或EGSC警察部门可以协助报告
- Role of EGSC警察局: assist with information for filing a restraining order 在当地法院,执行当地法院发布的限制令
- 考虑和咨询师谈谈
Reports can be filed with the college in person or anonymously, and/or with law enforcement 官员
- EGSC警察局 478-289-2090 Swainsboro / EGSC Statesboro 478-455-1606/ Augusta 706-721-2911或拨打911;
- 学生行为主任478-289-2360
- EGSC第九条协调员或指定人员:478-289-2360或478-289-2152; titleixFREEOMNIUPDATE
- 当地执法部门911
- EGSC顾问 478-289-2039; Statesboro: 912-623-2406, or Rape Crisis Center* (Confidential 报告)
- 匿名举报 EGSC热线
- Decline to file a complaint (EGSC may continue investigation to the extent that it 可以根据第九条政策的要求)
Different 官员 on campus are, however, able to offer varying levels of privacy 致受害者和被访者.
- EGSC警察局: 不 a confidential report; will be referred to GBI; may be made public if criminal 克莱利法案年度安全报告和“及时警告”犯罪警报将 不 包含受害者姓名或识别信息.
- 第九条协调员或指定人员: due to legal mandates requiring investigation of all signed complaints, if a report 升级为投诉,协调员或指定人员可能无法提供 full confidentiality if doing so prohibits the college’s ability to maintain a safe 以及无歧视的校园
- EGSC顾问:举报可以保密,被害人身份信息不得泄露 公开,除非法律规定披露(受害者是未成年人、受害者或第三者) 党处于迫在眉睫的危险之中).
- EGSC员工根据法律规定,员工有责任向上级报告收到的任何投诉 第九条
Students are encouraged to come forward and to report sexual misconduct 不withstanding 他们选择喝酒或吸毒. 一个学生报告的信息是好的 在有关使用毒品或酒精的调查中,不允许使用信仰 against the particular student in a disciplinary proceeding or voluntarily reported to law enforcement; however, students may be provided with resources on drug and alcohol 适当的咨询和/或教育.
咨询: Immediate crisis counseling will be available through the EGSC Counseling and Accessibility 服务办公室. EGSC十大正规网投平台校区的学生可以立即寻求危机咨询 通过十大正规网投平台大学咨询办公室. 员工将被推荐 给校外的供应商. 与EGSC咨询中心和十大正规网投平台大学的联系 咨询办公室是保密的. 需要未经同意披露的例外情况 include instances where the Counseling Center believes the client poses a clear and present danger to himself/herself or others and instances where the Counseling Center has reasonable cause to believe that a child (下 age of 18 years old) has been 遭受虐待,可能包括虐待,性虐待,忽视,性侵犯 利用或遗弃.
精神健康资源、家庭暴力庇护所和强奸危机中心*: Off campus counseling and support services can be obtained through the Ogeechee Behavioral 健康 in Swainsboro and Statesboro Regional Sexual Assault Center- 912-489-6060 or
- 斯泰茨伯勒,的 Teal House, 866-489-2225
- 维达利亚,避难所,912-538-9935
- 十大正规网投平台,十大正规网投平台大学医院强奸危机中心,706-724-5200
- 斯泰茨伯勒,安全港,912-764-4605
- 维达利亚,避难所,912-538-9935
- 十大正规网投平台,安全之家家庭暴力中心,706-736-2499
*Such licensed off campus provider will also have a privilege with his or her clients 并受上述格鲁吉亚保密规定的约束.
受害者维权计划: Victim advocate programs in Emanuel County District Attorney’s Office in Swainsboro 478-237-7846, Bulloch County District Attorney’s Office in Statesboro 912-764-9924, Augusta-Richmond County District Attorney’s Office 706-821-1135 can provide on-going 资讯及协助.
法律援助: Georgia Legal Services 833-457-7529 can provide legal assistance depending on eligibility.
临时措施: Regardless of whether you chose to pursue an investigation of the incident with EGSC 或地方执法,可实施临时措施:改变学术 schedules, on-campus living, employment arrangements, schedules and supervision; issuance of a no-contact directive, campus property restrictions, interim suspension and other measures designed to promote the safety and well-being of the parties and campus community. 如果这种变化是合理的,可以实施临时措施,并且 实施可将受害者和被告的负担降至最低. 至于其他所有人, 产生临时措施的情况将对委员会保密 extent that maintaining confidentiality would 不 impair the ability of the institution 提供临时措施.
第九条 and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) provide that an immigrant student or 学生受害者有权享有同样的权利,并将在校园里获得同样的权利 资源作为非移民受害者. 移民学生的性或人际关系受害者 violence may need professional legal advice concerning the effect of common interim 对签证状态的措施(退出课程). 移民学生、十大正规网赌平台、 or employee victim should inform the EGSC Designated School Official/导演 of 招生 at 478-289-2169 or Human Resources at 478-289-2035, as appropriate, of the event and/ 或临时措施,并寻求移民律师的建议. 具体的签证 and immigration statuses exist for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating 暴力和跟踪. 持F-1和J-1签证的学生希望减少课程负担 因健康原因,或退出,或其他变化导致更改签证 身份问题,应咨询移民律师. 持有H-1B、O-1、E-3或TN签证的员工 status desiring a leave of absence or other work absence, should consult an immigration 律师. 对于正在申请美国永久居民身份的员工(不是绿卡) 如欲离职,应咨询移民律师.
的 性行为不端政策 阐述政策和程序.
Students charged with violation of the 不当性行为政策 will be adjudicated 下 不当性行为政策 和美国政府 4.6.5 Standards for Institutional Student Conduct Investigation and Disciplinary Proceedings . Additional Student Conduct Code violations related to the sexual misconduct charge 可以在学生纪律处分程序中听到吗. 可能对此类额外的制裁 学生行为准则的违规行为位于 EGSC学生行为准则和纪律处分程序.
员工 charged with violation of the 不当性行为政策 will be adjudicated 根据不歧视及反骚扰(NDAH)政策. 额外的员工 Conduct violations related to the sexual misconduct charge may be heard in the Employee 纪律过程. 雇员可查阅 非歧视和反骚扰政策 或者员工手册(EGSC员工手册).
十大正规网赌平台 absolutely prohibits any retaliation, at any time, against anyone who has made a report or complaint, provided information, assisted, participated or refused to participate in any manner in the Sexual Misconduct Process, shall 不 遭受报复. 任何相信这一点的人都会受到报复 应立即联系第九条协调员或协调员的指定人员. 任何被发现违反本政策进行报复的人,均应 受到纪律处分.
的 第九条 Coordinator or the Coordinator’s designee will provide a copy of this 提交给投诉人和被投诉人的文件. EGSC警察局将提交报告 to the 第九条 Coordinator or the Coordinator’s designee, and the 第九条 Coordinator 或协调员指定人员将指派一名调查员. EGSC第九条协调员 or the Coordinator’s designee will report incidents of sexual misconduct that could 根据美国政府第九条的规定,被指控的违法者将被停职或驱逐出境 导演. USG第九条主任有权指派调查员,保留 或者将案件移交给相关机构. 我们将进行全面的调查 consideration of the complainant’s and respondent’s confidentiality concerns and balancing such concerns with the college’s obligation to maintain a safe and secure campus and 履行第九条规定的合规义务. 十大正规网赌平台的头衔 IX Coordinator responsible for overseeing administrative investigations in compliance 符合第九条要求的是辛西娅·里斯,电话:478-289-2152; titleixFREEOMNIUPDATE
Inquiries concerning the application of 第九条 may be referred to the address below
U.S. 教育部民权办公室:800-421-3481或 If you wish to fill out a complaint form online with the agency, you may do so at: